
Japanese kitchen garden

Hi, it’s been a long time! This time, I’d like to share about my kitchen garden. My kitchen garden I’m growing summer vegetables in planters. On the other day, I harvested cucumbers. These were all fresh and delicious. A flog and a gecko I found a fat flog in an olive tree. I saw him morning and evening on the same day, the same place. Every evening, geckos appear on the kitchen windows of my house. We’re looking forward to seeing them because they are so cute! I like their dance. Their tail wiggles when they spot their favorite bugs! My town I was born and raised in a big city, but now I live in the countryside. I got used to living here and I love my place.The video below is the town I live in. I hope you enjoy the video.

Experience of Rice harvesting in a Japanese traditional way

My son and I had the experience of Rice harvesting in a traditional way. It was hard work but fun! I’ll share our experience in this blog. Instructions were given beforehand It was cloudy on that day and it was the best day for the rice harvesting, because it’s still hot on a fine day at the beginning of October in Fukuoka prefecture. Twenty-two people got gathered including 12 children and also 2 people from Israel on that day. Some of them have experienced rice harvesting and some of them haven’t. I had never ever used a sickle. But I didn’t need to worry. The detailed instructions of each process were given before starting our task. Because of that, even my 9-year-old son could do it. Reap sticky rice plants This is the rice field that we would reap. Look at the color of rice plants! It’s gold! How beautiful! These are sticky rice plants. Sticky rice is the rice used for making mochi. We have been reaping rice plants by the sickle for several hours, and we have been putting them on the ground one after another. It was hard work. Good job, my son! As you can see, […]